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Do you want FREE help with English?

Call (231) 747-7273 or Text ‪(616) 990-4439‬

We help people learn English in FREE classes and tutoring.

When and where are the English classes?

Beginner's Class

Monday and Friday at Read Muskegon, 26 E. Broadway, 9:00am-11:00am.

12-Week Cohorts. 

Text (616) 990-4439 to sign up for the next cohort.

Intermediate Class

Tuesday and Wednesday at Covenant Community Church, 134 Barney St., 10:00am-12:00pm.

Open Enrollment.

Text (616) 990-4439 to sign up.

Intermediate Class

Thursdays at Muskegon Community College, 221 S. Quarterline Road, 4:30-6:30pm.

Open Enrollment.

Text (616) 990-4439 to sign up.


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What do classes look like?

  • Classes provide activities that practice reading, writing and speaking English.

  • There is an English test to know all learner’s proficiency levels.

“Read Muskegon is really important organization. It helped me so much because when I come to United States from Ukraine my English was little. I had little speaking practice in school a long time ago and I only read and write little words. After Read Muskegon, my English is much better. I can communicate with American Citizens.” - Read Muskegon Learner

How do I sign up for tutoring?

Anyone can call (231) 747-7273 for more information or text (616) 990-4439.

Adults please complete this online registration form, or call.


À propos




Lire Muskegon

Case postale 1312

Muskegon, MI 49443-1312

Téléphone : (231) 747-7273

Courriel :

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