All of Read Muskegon's re-entry programs provide instruction for men and women re-entering our communities after incarceration, helping them build the literacy and communication skills they need to succeed.

Literacy Class at EXIT
EXIT, Empowering Ex-Offenders in Transition, provides men returning to their community from incarceration at the Muskegon County Jail with intense job and life skills training, education, and work experience.
Class meets twice weekly and is facilitated by Read Muskegon’s Adult Literacy Instructor/Volunteers
Men practice functional literacy skills. This includes reading and comprehension of lease agreements, applications, credit cards, etc.

Seventy-five percent of state-incarcerated individuals did not complete high school or can be classified as low literate.
A residential and nonresidential program for adult offenders as a community-based alternative to incarceration.
Class meets three times per week to practice functional literacy skills.
One class focuses on basic literacy skills through a health literacy curriculum.
Literacy Class at KPEP
Book Club at the Jail
Both the Men and Women's jail offers weekly book club.
Book Club is facilitated by volunteers with a focus on reading, writing, and comprehension.
Incarcerated individuals who participate in correctional education programs are 43% less likely to recidivate than inmates who do not.

Volunteer tutors meet with learners once a week.
Each session is tailored to the needs of individual learners, such as working on their driver's license or GED.